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Community Guidelines

(It's short and sweet, promise)

Yes, there's a small, per month, fee for VIP members. But that doesn't entitle ANYONE to be a troll. We will not discuss politics or religion. This is not the place. Anyone bullying, putting down, trolling, or in anyway trying to make another feel bad about books they love or hate will be immediately banned. In fact, we're not doing hate at all. Period. Hate speech targeted at any group or belief will NOT be tolerated. 


If anyone sees bullying, trolling, or just bad behavior that I have not addressed, please let me know. I'll look into it. Please, since this is my page, I ask that you don't take it into your hands to correct the issue. I care about all my friends here and absolutely want this to be a safe place for all things books. That includes not starting wars within our little community. And no worries - you see something and report it to me, it will remain anonymous on where that tip came from. Guaranteed. 


This is an adult space, yes, but we're going to leave language and offensive language at the door (I know you're seeing a pattern here.) 


These guidelines can and most likely will change over time and as needed.


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